102 error - Provider error

Understanding the meaning of a 102 Error

What does a 102 error mean?💡

The 102 error is classified as provider error and it occurs when a Seller returns a particular code/description for an error, which is then transmitted to you in our response.

If the Seller does not provide an error description, it will be typified as a 102 error type without description.


Example of a 102 error description: "The start date must be a future date"🔎

"The start date must be a future date" means that the Buyer is searching for a date in the past and the Seller cannot respond with any availability for past dates. The solution here is to adjust the search to reflect dates in the future.

What can I do if I receive a 102 error in my response?✔️

We strongly recommend you contact your Seller directly if the 102 error description is not clear for you and for further information regarding the cause of the error.